Hello everybody, here's wishing you all a very happy new year in advance. This new year's eve we all get one more second to blow our trumpets.
The best way to prevent hangovers is to NOT drink. If you still HAVE to, you may want to stay sober longer and enjoy the late hours.
All right, all right! I have a few resolutions for this new year too:
• First, I want to take writing seriously.
• Then, I want to replace some of the compliments that I get. Like, for instance, I want to change "You are in perfect shape, and round's a shape!" to "Hell, you were sick or something?" In short, do something about the bulge.
• Do more Art, yes, and help it talk more business.
• Google(or if a better search engine comes up by then) for somebody who'll wake me up in the mornings(no, it's not an alarm clock!) and put me to sleep at nights(not lullaby-machines or sleepills) and help me cook scrumptious delicacies. Maybe, I will wait till Google comes up with a http://google.com/matchmaker.
Okay, it's resolution time and the (time + 1 second) to rock! Tell us about what's in store for 2k6!