What turns you on?
EDIT: Ah well, This post helped me find the rapper in myself.

Well, this is an amazing image that I got from somewhere (I don't remember where I got this from, courtesy my awesome memory) but I am just using it for pushing this post of mine. No chauvinism whatsoever.

Some time back, we talked about stuff that turned us off. Well, there are things that lace us up with that extra aviation fuel. There's stuff that gives us that mind-boggling adrenaline rush. Yeah, we are talking about stuff that gets us going.

Now, last time I told you what turns me off before you did. This time it's your turn. You tell me what turns you on, and you will soon know what's on my side(Making a list of 100 items is going to take a helluva time, no?).

By the way, this week was an amazing mix of bathos and surprises. More to come on that soon.